Why Drinking Water is Important:

Why Drinking Water is Important:

Drinking Water is Essential to our Health.


  1. I dint know water can cure joint pain. Also ding know that we can go weeks with out food. Could you survive any longer than 3 days with out water

  2. I find it interesting that water can help with pain and it only takes about three days without water to die. Can you actually die from drinking too much water?

  3. Two interesting points about this article were that water removes toxins, and water helps regulate the cooling system of the body. Can really a 2% drop in body water effect the brain that much?

  4. We can not live without water. If you dont drink water you will die. How many days without water can you live?

  5. People cant live without water. How many days can you go without water without dying?

  6. People cant live without water. How many days can you go without water without dying?

  7. Drinking water is an essential part of life.you need water to survive and to make some food and drinks. All and all water is a very important nessessity in our lives.

  8. Drinking water is an essential part of life.you need water to survive and to make some food and drinks. All and all water is a very important nessessity in our lives.

  9. One interesting point is water makes up nearly 85 percent of your brain, about 80 percent of your blood and about 70 percent of your lean muscle. A second one is For instance, if you drink 12 ounces of plain water, your body will absorb 8 ounces of it within 15 minutes. My question is if we drink different drinks and not water can we still survive.
    Nick Courtney

  10. I didn't know that water makes up 85 percent of your brain. Soda steals water from the brain? For every 1 cup of soda you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water.

  11. It makes you live and makes it that you can sweat which cooles your body and also makes you not get sick

  12. I think my be in debt to water, i drink like 10 cans of soda everyday. But water is a very important necessity for lyfe. Why is water clear blue?

  13. Water is one of the main parts of the body. Supporting many bodily functions. Water helps with cooling of the body. This passage is very interesting how water "runs" the body.

  14. i thought it was interesting that the body is made up of 80% water and also that your body needs water to digest food properly. how many more reasons are there for drinking water and how important it is to have.

  15. i thought it was interesting that the body is made up of 80% water and also that your body needs water to digest food properly. how many more reasons are there for drinking water and how important it is to have.

  16. As little as a 2% drop in water can have bad consequences and daytime fatigue is normally a result of not having enough water. Is there a such thing as too much water and, if so, how do you know when you've reached the max?

  17. You have to drink a lot of water every day to stay hydrated, and it's just really healthy. My question is what are all the effects of not getting enough water??

  18. I think my be in debt to water , I drink like 1 can of soda everyday. But water is a very important necessity for life. Why is water clear in stead of blue?

  19. water will help you stay hydrated

  20. wateris very good for you

  21. why is water health for you but flavord water isn't?

  22. I find it interesting that water is more necessary to life than food. Also that you have drink a lot of water each day just to stay hydrated.

  23. water is good for you!!!

  24. Okay so water is the best thing to drink.
    Also your body is made up of 80% of warer
    My question is what can happen to your body if u drink water instead of water.

  25. Drinking water is an essential part of life.you need water to survive and to make some food and drinks. All and all water is a very important nessessity in our lives.

  26. Water is important to live life cause you gonna get dehydrated and you probably gon die.

  27. You can't live without water. Our bodies are made up of 80% of water. How much water do we need to drink daily to stay hydrated?

  28. you need water to live, without it you wouldn't survive.

  29. Two interesting points about this article is that water is essential for life and we need to be constantly putting water into our bodies. Another interesting point is that a mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy memory. But what I don't understand is how can it affect your ability to do basic math?

  30. Something interesting is that 80% of our bodies are water also that soda can steal water from your brain. Can soda actually steal water from ur brain?

  31. Something interesting is that 80% of our bodies are water also that soda can steal water from your brain. Can soda actually steal water from ur brain?

  32. I didn't know 80% of our body is made of water. Also that it can remove toxins. How long can someone go without water?

  33. An interesting fact is that your brain is made up of 85% of water, blood is 80%, and muscle is 70%.

  34. water is very needy in are body. without water we could die or be very badly dehydrated

  35. Something very interesting is that water can be an easy cure for things like headaches and fatigue. In your body, water can transport carbs and protein that is essential for our bodies. My question is ‘does soda even have the least bit of water in it’?
