Depression Infographic:

Depression Infographic:

Depression Infographic


  1. i have very bad depression at times so i get very sad and i am always alone so that is why i can be mean but you don't know people you can't judge people by their looks you should get to know them first and then see what you think about them.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Why do people judge people and just like what you said it is not right if you have depression then you know what it feels like

    3. Why do people judge people and just like what you said it is not right if you have depression then you know what it feels like

  2. Judging somebody by their looks is wrong and you shouldn't do it. How would you feel if somebody would judge you? That is the leading cause of depression. If people would just get to know the person first. The modern leading cause in my opinion would be social media.

  3. Judging somebody by their looks is wrong and you shouldn't do it. How would you feel if somebody would judge you? That is the leading cause of depression. If people would just get to know the person first. The modern leading cause in my opinion would be social media.

  4. I think depression is a very bad thing and no one should have to go through it - ever. And people have depression because of people who are nonstop mean to someone then they actually think thats its true and thats not ok.

  5. I think depression is a very bad thing and no one should have to go through it - ever. And people have depression because of people who are nonstop mean to someone then they actually think thats its true and thats not ok.

  6. Depression is a horrible thing. It is a major cause of suicide. Depression is caused by many things...people judging you, anxiety, etc. As a person with depression, it effects your life in many ways. People think that you chose to have depression and you make it out to be worse than it is. But, how would you feel if someone told you you "chose" to have a cold? You can't just chose to have depression. Yes, you can chose to fake being happy. But, that makes it worse in the long run.

    -Kirsten Kohler

  7. Depression is a horrible thing. It is a major cause of suicide. Depression is caused by many things...people judging you, anxiety, etc. As a person with depression, it effects your life in many ways. People think that you chose to have depression and you make it out to be worse than it is. But, how would you feel if someone told you you "chose" to have a cold? You can't just chose to have depression. Yes, you can chose to fake being happy. But, that makes it worse in the long run.

    -Kirsten Kohler

  8. Depression is terrible. A lot of people have it and don't even tell anyone. Honestly, I would think people would feel better if they had someone to talk to and tell there problems too. Everyone has it for a different reason and they should really go see help for it. Before it become serious, like some people think about suicide. So why do people judge everyone else without knowing what they're actually going through?

  9. I found loss in interest of daily actives and that sad, anxious, and hopeless feelings interesting in depression

  10. Depression is terrible. A lot of people have it and don't even tell anyone. Honestly, I would think people would feel better if they had someone to talk to and tell there problems too. Everyone has it for a different reason and they should really go see help for it. Before it become serious, like some people think about suicide. So why do people judge everyone else without knowing what they're actually going through?
    - Charles Beers

  11. I have had friends that had depressian and it ruined her day everyday. I could tell she wasnt the same person and there was something wrong. U become sad about everything and dont feel like doing anything.

  12. Depression is a very bad thing. It can lead to death. Why are people so mean to other people?

  13. Two interesting points about this article is that twice as many women than men are at risk of depression. Another interesting point about this article is that there are two types of depression Dysthymia and Bipolar disorder. Why are women most at risk for depression?

  14. Interestingly, a sign of depression is weight loss. Also, depression can be hereditary. But how can it be hereditary?
