Peer Pressure Info:

Peer Pressure Info:

Peer Pressure 


  1. peer pressure is something that everyone goes through but if you are peer pressuring someone you should feel guilty cause you can't be peer pressuring people its not nice for anyone to.

  2. Trying to get someone to do something while their under stress. It is wrong to do it because you can make that person feel bad. Why do people do this?

  3. Why do people pressure others? This seems wrong because if you were that person you wouldn't like for somebody to do it to you. It seems like people who are pressured end up committing self harm and lose their self esteem.

  4. This was very interesting to learn more about peer pressure and what it drives you to do.

  5. Yea this really tells you about peer pressure and what happens

  6. This is very informationall and is so true

  7. This is very informationall and is so true

  8. Peer pressure can lead to many bad things because people dont want to be shunned or left out by their friends so they do what they ask.

  9. Peer pressure can lead to many bad things because people dont want to be shunned or left out by their friends so they do what they ask.

  10. Peer pressure makes you scared and makes you have butterflies in your stomach or the feeling and the question I'm asking is why do we have it when we are doing something important like a speech or asking someone out ?

  11. One interesting thing is when you were a little kid your parents usually chose your friends and putting you in play. A second one is now that you're older, you decide who your friends are and what groups you spend time with. My question is are your peers usually your age.

  12. I know i've been pressured to do something but i told them no but they kept going so i just left just leave its as easy as that

  13. I know i've been pressured to do something but i told them no but they kept going so i just left just leave its as easy as that

  14. Peer pressure is bad. Your friends can make you do things you shouldn't. I didn't know that peer pressure is that bad.

  15. Peer help you make decisions or help you with family arguments and if you have bad peers they can get you into bad influenze

  16. Peer help you make decisions or help you with family arguments and if you have bad peers they can get you into bad influenze

  17. We make many decisions every day and our peers greatly influence our decision making. If you are constantly being peer pressured into doing bad things why continue to associate yourself with those people?

  18. When people bother you and can't make many decisions though the day. Why do people put peer pressure on other people?
    Trevor Varner

  19. never let someone pressure you into doing something -blane dickson

  20. Two interesting things about this article would be that you are more likely to spend time with your peers than family. Also that you learn from your peers more than other people.

  21. Don't give into anyone or anything, it's your life not anyone else's ~ Derek Burk and Grant Shawver

  22. Peer pressure can lead to many bad things, and it happens all the time. Most times, it's really hard to say no to whatever you're being pressured to do. You should just do what you think is right, not what other people think is right. My question is, why do people even peer pressure other people? They shouldn't be involved in other people's business to try to make them "cooler" by doing the same thing as them.

  23. people need to stop perpreasuring

  24. why do people perpreasure? - blane dickson

  25. if you give into peer pressure. you will most likely end up dong drugs...

  26. Peer pressure is pretty bad dawg. It's bad because you could do something that you might regret fam.

  27. Two interesting things about this article would be that you are more likely to spend time with your peers than family. Also that you learn from your peers more than other people.
    -Charles Beers

  28. An interesting fact is that people would rather spend time with friends than their family and that people can talk you into doing something you would never do. Why do people think what other people car is important?

  29. An interesting fact is that when you get older you spend more time with your peers rather than your family.

  30. I think that peer pressure is a worsening problem. people are getting "cooler" for the things they do (normally stealing or other bad things).

  31. Peer presure isn't cool and it's easy to fall under and it's no good to peer presure ppl and if u do it's not good so don't do it

  32. Peer pressure can lead to bad things. Pressuring someone can alter their decision. Why do people pressure other peopl?
