How Does Music Affect Your Brain?

How Does Music Affect Your Brain?

Music Can Positively Affect Your Brain


  1. What is an idiosyncrasies. And I dint know music can get you high. An music can make you feel a certain way.

  2. Auditory cortex processes sounds in a brain. If you listen to music a lot it can mess your auditory cortex. Why does it screw with the auditory cortex when you listen to music a lot?

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  4. Two interesting points about this article were that music can improve cognitive performance, and listening to music can reduce pain and help someone recover from a stroke or other injury. One question I have is "Do different genres of music affect the brain the same?"

  5. I didn't know music could give you a "high". Also I didn't know music could make to have cravings either. My only question would be what doesn't music do for your body?

  6. When people hear there favorite artists new music it can change there mood. Also Peoples brain can make sense of the music. Why dose the music that people hear affect their mood?
    Kelly Litz

  7. William Alonso
    I never knew that you can get a "high" from listening to, to much music. So if it get's them a "high" it must change there mood on that day.

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I never knew u can get a "high" just by listening to a lot of music. I'm thinking that just because of the high, it can probably change your mood from nice to depressed.

  11. i think people listen to music to much in and out of and then you can not learn well in school so that efects so many parts of the brain and mor of your body

  12. i think people listen to music to much in and out of and then you can not learn well in school so that efects so many parts of the brain and mor of your body

  13. I never new people listen to music to change there mood and to release stress. I always thought that people listen to music for fun only I guess I was wrong.

  14. I never new people listen to music to change there mood and to release stress. I always thought that people listen to music for fun only I guess I was wrong.

  15. Jade & Crea: I didn't know that music could bring pleasure. It's also interesting that it can relive stress.

  16. Getting a "high" from music seems crazy. The music we like gives us a different high. What is an idiosyncrasies?

  17. Getting a "high" from music seems crazy. The music we like gives us a different high. What is an idiosyncrasies?

  18. It send waves to your brain and makes your Brian feel good and makes you feel good and my question is why not let kids us music during tests to make them feel better

  19. Everybody can be uplifted to the same kind of music no matter your preference. Also, the brain can understand music more than a computer can. Can music help athletes get prepared for a game?
    Shelby Minium

  20. i know when i listen to music when im mad it makes me feel relaxed and chill By Tre Jackson

  21. i know when i listen to music when im mad it makes me feel relaxed and chill By Tre Jackson

  22. I think It was interesting when u can listen to music and feel good when your feeling down And How YOU Can LeToya It Ruin YOUR School

  23. I think its interesting how music helped with the learning of the language. Also how its considered an addiction if youre obsessed. But does it make us an addict? ~Nathan Smith~

  24. I think its interesting how music helped with the learning of the language. Also how its considered an addiction if youre obsessed. But does it make us an addict? ~Nathan Smith~

  25. This passage is very helpful knowing how music effects people differently. I think it is weird how music can get you "high." I don't use headphones myself but I can understand this.

  26. One interesting thing is other researchers believe music was important to human evolution in various ways, from providing babies with a playful way to learn language. A second one is research conducted by neuroscientist Valorie Salimpoor found that music releases dopamine, the “feel good hormone”. My question is could music after a while make you deaf.

  27. 2 interesting points in this article are that music can give you the same "high" as a drug. Also, listening to music can help someone recover from a stroke or injury. Do difference in music genres affect the brain in different ways?

  28. Ok, first, what is an idiosyncrasie and second, we can get "high" from listening to our favorite songs? That's kind of wierd and kind of cool at the same time. Does this mean that all of us do a drug of some kind by listening to music? My mind has been blown. (Or am I "high" from listening to music????)

  29. Music effects everyone's brain almost the same and different types of music create different emotions in different people. Why do some people not like music?

  30. Ok, first, what is an idiosyncrasie and second, we can get "high" from listening to our favorite songs? That's kind of wierd and kind of cool at the same time. Does this mean that all of us do a drug of some kind by listening to music? My mind has been blown. (Or am I "high" from listening to music????)

  31. So, what i think is interesting about this is that we get a high from our favorite type of music. And how our brains can pick it up too. Also can music make us depressed too?

  32. One interesting point is that music can reduce pain and another one is that music can improve cognitive performace. I don't understand how someone can get "high". -Kolbi Knode

  33. Music helps calm our brains and take our minds off of things.

  34. Okay, so what I find interesting about this article is that we can get a "high" from music. It was also interesting that music can help recovery from injuries such as a stroke or minor injuries. - Sara Bernstein

  35. Music helps calm our brains and take our minds off of things.

  36. i feel good when i listen to music. i never felt a high from anything like that.

  37. Music works to make me more pumped and amped for sports and other physical activities. I think music is very useful. Derek Burk and Grant Shawver

  38. Two interesting points about this article were that music can improve cognitive performance, and listening to music can reduce pain and help someone recover from a stroke or other injury. -Tori Nichols

  39. I feel good when listening to music and start singing. Why does it effect brain?

  40. why do people say music is bad for you when it calms you?

  41. An interesting point is that music can releave pain another is that it helps relax you and can music really make u high?

  42. An interesting point is that music can releave pain another is that it helps relax you and can music really make u high?

  43. This article was about how how music can effect your brain and also can be good for your brain. I thought it was interesting when it talked about how music can effect your brain positively, and how the brain reacts to music. One question I have is, why does your brain react to music the way it does?

  44. Music calms me idk how it's bad for u. It's a pretty interesting article

  45. I didn't know music is like a drug. Also it relieves stress. How is it like a drug if it relieves stress?

  46. Shelby Roan
    Two interesting facts about this article are that everybody gets the same effect from music. Another interesting point in this article is that some researchers say that music was important to human evolution. But I don't understand how someone can get "high".

  47. I never would've thought that you could get high from music. Also, music can make you go from depressed, upset, or angry to calm and happy. My question is why do some people say music is bad for us when it actually calms us when we're upset? Maddie Pent

  48. Two interesting points about this article were that music can improve cognitive performance, and listening to music can reduce pain and help someone recover from a stroke or other injury. One question I have is "Do different genres of music affect the brain the same?"
    - Charles Beers

  49. I think music and other things like music acts like a drug and become addictive but I don't think they found cases of music addiction.

  50. A interesting point is that music helps you concentrate. I did not know music is a drug.

  51. music calms me down, so I don't understand how it can mess you up when it's a way to express yourself freely?

  52. Zachary Myers, I never knew that music can get you might. Computer is better for you then music. How dose music calm us.

  53. Music calms down a person in various ways. Like the emotional ways like being sad,mad,or even depressed.

  54. I feel inspired by the music I listen to. I never really knew about those inspiring feelings that inspire me to follow my goals. does classical music really help you think?
